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An agricultural education program is made up of three integrated parts: Classroom instruction, FFA and Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE).

Students with an SAE learn by doing. With help from their agricultural teachers, students develop an SAE project based on one or more SAE categories:

Own and operate an agricultural business (e.g. a lawn care service, a pay-to-fish operation, holiday poinsettia production, and sales.)

Obtain a job or internship on a farm or ranch, at an agriculture-based business, or in a school or factory laboratory.

Research and Experimentation
Plan and conduct a scientific experiment. (e.g. Determine whether the phases of the moon affect plant growth, or test and determine the efficacy of different welding methods.)

Explore careers in agriculture by attending an agriculture career fair, or creating a report or documentary on the work of a veterinarian.


Classroom Component: Supervised Career Experience

Students will be expected to complete one hour of direct career experience outside of the classroom each quarter. At the start of each school year, students will submit their Experience Planning Guide, with 3 goals. Students are also required to complete a Record Book monthly. Entries will include receipts (money made) expenses (money spent) and leadership experiences. Students will figure out their Cash Flows balance for each month. Class time will be given every month on the First Thursday/Friday of the month to update record books and submit for grading. This time can also be used to catch up on Portfolio documents. Students will be required to submit 3 pictures as their Proficiency Experience of their project by the end of January. To obtain these pictures students may ask a friend or family member to take the picture, take a "selfie", or set up an SAE Visit and the advisor will take the pictures.


Career Portfolio

In addition to the student record book agriculture, students will be asked to work on and complete a career portfolio. This document will serve as a basis for compiling information related to the student's career interest as well as their educational goals. On Record Book Days students will be given the remaining part of the class period to complete various tasks assigned in the career portfolio. 

Items to be included: 

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